Dr. and Mrs. Marco
Dr. Douglas Marco
Founder and Director at
Preaching Christ
This year is Dr. Marco's forty-seven
(47) year in the ministry. He is
presently sixty-seven (68) years old. His
wife Eva and Dr. Marco have been married for forty-four (45) years, having 4
children, twelve (12) grandchildren. Their
son Douglas, Jr. and his family are missionaries in the Philippians. He has served as an Evangelist and
Conference Speaker, (14 Years) Church planter planning 5 churches in the United States
and 15 in foreign countries, has Pastored (39 Years) Churches in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana
and Texas. God has been very kind allowing
them to see many people saved, baptized and serve the Lord, here in the U.S.
and around the world. While Pastoring in
Ohio, Dr. Marco was the first Chaplin to the Ohio General Assembly, which
allowed him the privilege of wining many Congressmen, Senators and two Ohio
Supreme Court Justices to Christ. He was President Texas Baptist Seminary located in San Antonio,
Texas under the direction of Pastor Keith Bell. Dr. Marco has been apart of starting five Christian school including two
K-12 and three Colleges or Seminaries.
His Christian service also
includes: 47 years - Sunday School teacher; 5 years - choir member; 4 years -
bus captain; 16 years - church financial secretary; 2 years - music
director. His involvement in the local church did not stop there but,
also included working with children in Sunday Schools, Bus Ministries,
Youth Camps and other children’s programs to include Children Churches. He
served in the position as Bus Director, at Clay's Mill Road Baptist Church
where there were the children's ministry grew to more then 500 children. In
1985, he worked with Evangelist Dr. Randy Taylor and Dr. Keith Gomez in the
founding and developing of the "God Save America Conference" and the
Gospel Net Magazine. From 1986-1993, he worked with Evangelist Dr. Dennis Corle
to develop and publish the "REVIVAL FIRES!" Newspaper. Dr.
Marco, while serving as an Evangelist, and conference speaker designed,
started, and was managing editor of "The Baptist Magazine" for
Longview Baptist Temple of Longview, Texas.
Currently Dr. Marco is the Associate Pastor (9 Years) of Central Park Baptist Church in Carrollton, Texas where he serves with Pastor Delbert White. He is also serves as a Missionary to the 10/40 Window, where he travels to, The Philippians, Vietnam, India, parts of Africa, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia,
Taiwan, Burma, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Oman, Laos, South Korea, Cambodia, and many other
Strengthen Churches, aiding
in starting Churches, teaching Soul-winning, holding Pastor Conferences,
Establishing Bible Schools and Seminaries, teaching many national Pastors ways for church to reach the people of their county. During these Mission trips over 10,000 people have received Christ as Saviour, with more than a 1,000s baptized and many called to full time Christian Service.
During the times Dr. Marco
was establishing church plants he had the honor to work in the secular business
world. Dr. Marco said "I have been able to encourage and help people know
they can work hard and serve God at the same time." He served as Vice-President of Operations for
Rudder Digital, as well as working for other
companies in the secular world.
Pastor, Evangelist, Missionary, Assistant Pastor, and Church Planter of independent Baptist Churches Since 1977
1977 - Present (47 years)
Director at Preaching Christ
2012 - Present (13 years)
The purpose of Preaching Christ to the World is to
reach the 10/40 World with the Gospel of Jesus Christ; Training Evangelists on the Mission field; To work
with Missionaries, Pastors, and National Pastors in: Teaching Soul-Winning, Training
Soul-Winner, and Winning people to Christ one person at a time.
The Purpose of this web page is
to give people around the word a place to learn about the Word of God. It is always in the development stages but it includes:
• Preaching
• Bible Studies
• Bible reading Schedules
• Sunday School Lessons
• Tips on Reading the Bible
• Soul Winning Aids
• Soul Winning Classes
• Mission Trips and Missionary Information
• Bible Memory
• Recommended Web Sites
More Information:
President at Texas Baptist
More Information: texasbaptistseminary.com
2009 - 2020 (12 years)
Chairman of the Board at
Tri-State Identification
2002 - Retired in January of 2017 (15 years)
Tri-State Identification is a not-for-Profit
Organization working with Schools to give parents a free Identification packet for their children. This packet
includes finger prints, the child’s photo, and directions for a DNA kit.
Walsh Jesuit High School
Texas Baptist College
Faith Baptist College
Doctor, Theology
North Texas Baptist Seminary
Doctor of Divinity
Faith Baptist College of Talisay
City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Doctor of Divinity
Dr. Douglas Marco
Recommended by;
"Doug Marco is a man of his word, with terrific
follow through and a natural ability to lead people. His
leadership helped navigate the organization through
a difficult and ever-changing market. Doug's ability to
build deep, long-lasting relationships was a massive
benefit to the company. Doug is a first-rate leader of
teams and a person who can be depended upon to
attain his objectives. I highly recommend Doug as person,
an employee, and as a leader."
— Ron Noden, President at Rudder
Digital, Inc. (Rudder Home Services)
"Doug is a truly exceptional individual, the
kind you only find once or twice in a career. He gets more done
in a day than most people accomplish in a week, and
he does it day in and day out, like clockwork. Ever the
professional, people love working with & for
Doug. He is a natural leader and team builder who always keeps
the company's best interests in mind."
— Chuck Reese, Executive V.P. at Rudder Digital, Inc. (Rudder Home
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Missionary Douglas Marco, Sr.